It was an afternoon of hard fragging in Hooah, I (Johnny_Suave) was on my game.... at least, as much as I could be while Grim was schooling us all. I noticed, curiously enough that Ezar was playing with a tag in his name. I hadn't seen him for a while, so after I took him out with a full shotgun spread, I asked:

"Hey Ezar, u join a clan or something?"

"Nah, I'm just messin around," was his reply.

"Oh," I said "what does it stand for?"

"Cybersharks," was his response. We fragged for a while longer and I was intrigued by the name he'd given me. Cybersharks... sounded pretty fraggin' good to me! After putting a full spread into Foe's stomach, I queried:

"So you actually gonna start that clan or are you just gonna let a good idea go to waste?" there was no reply for a minute as he was fragged by Grim, and then:

"I dunno, why?"

"Cuz man I'm totally in if you start it up!" I told him as Grim ended what little streak I could muster against him.

"Well, just add the tag to the front of your name then," he told me. So I did. Then, a couple kills later he said:

"brb, gonna make this tag look cooler." and when he came back, he had >CB^S>. Now that caught my eye. So I immediately changed my name to reflect the revised tag. Unfortunately, my previous name Johnny Suave didn't fit, so I was forced to use RFName. Ezar and I started trying to recruit people telling them that there were no tryouts, that all they had to do was add the tag to their name. A little while later, the infamous Tico Torres graced us with his presence.

"Hey Suave, what's >CB^S> stand for?" he asked me once he had a win under his belt, seeing as Grim had left by now.

"Cybersharks, it's Ezar's new clan... you want in?" I replied.

"What do I have to do?" he queried.

"Just add the tag to the start of your name," I informed him.

"Cool," so he added the tag to his name, became our third member, and the clan was started. We've since added a few more to our ranks, and now we have this website (thanks to me! ;P)! It's kinda funny now that I look back at it how it all started with an inside joke of Ezar's, but the path from A to B usually is fairly strange.


* Some events may have occured differently than depicted in this transcription.